Introduction to Drawing with Luke Lorenzo

Thursdays, April 4, 11, 18, & 25 *12 – 2 pm: Erdle Lounge

Luke is back with a new class for the Spring session. He will be teaching introduction to drawing. Charcoal will be used in class, materials will be provided to get started before students decide if they want to purchase their own.

Supply list: drawing pencils-a set of six is recommended (HB, 2B, 4B), small kneaded gum eraser, vinyl eraser, sketchbook- 9”X12” or 11”X14” or 12”X18”. Please feel free to bring any drawing media of your choice such as: Markers, pens, colored pencils, pen and ink

Limit: 12


Thursday, Apr 25 2024


12:00 PM - 2:00 PM

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