Wellness Wednesday – Healthy Heart Series with RRH Cardiologists

RRH Wellness Wednesdays feature Rochester Regional clinicians and experts sharing their experiences and knowledge in an effort to improve your health and wellness, and to help connect you with specialists when you’re interested in individualized care. Check each week for the new topic!

Cholesterol – A friend or a foe??

Please join us for our returning guest speaker, Gaurav-Sharma | Rochester Regional Health. Dr. Sharma presented on cholesterol back in 2023 at the JCC when it was a hot topic and we had standing room only. In 2025, we know it is still a controversial and somewhat confusing topic. Dr. Sharma specializes in cardiovascular disease at RRH and is the expert regarding all things’ cholesterol.

He will provide the latest evidence-based research on cholesterol and will help you decide is  “Cholesterol a friend or foe?”

***Please join Dr. Gaurav Sharma, director of cardiac rehab at Unity hospital, as he educates us on cholesterol evaluation, management and more.

We’d love to hear from you! Send your comments, suggestions, and questions to [email protected]

Zoom is available for those who cannot attend in person.

Join via Zoom:
Online: https://rrh.zoom.us/j/99017440681#success

Registration is required. You may register day of at the front desk or online at JCCRochester.org.


Wednesday, Feb 19 2025


12:15 PM - 1:00 PM

More Info



Auditorium A

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