Wellness Wednesday – Healthy Heart Series with RRH Cardiologists & Healthy Heart Snack Demo

RRH Wellness Wednesdays feature Rochester Regional clinicians and experts sharing their experiences and knowledge in an effort to improve your health and wellness, and to help connect you with specialists when you’re interested in individualized care. Check each week for the new topic!

How to Mend a Broken Heart: New Technologies to Help Failing Hearts

Please join us for this exciting opportunity to learn from our own Rochester community cardiologists starting with Dr. Scott Feitell, DO. Dr. Feitell specializes in Advanced Heart Failure, Transplant Medicine, Mechanical Circulatory Support and Pulmonary Hypertension. He is currently using the latest advanced technologies with heart failure patients as he manages the largest implantable pulmonary artery monitor sensor program in upstate New York. Dr. Feitell has a lot to share regarding the technology we are using at RRH  to “Mend a Broken Heart”. Please join us to learn more about the latest evidence-based practices we are using right in our home town!

Please join us for this FREE educational session open to the community.

We’d love to hear from you! Send your comments, suggestions, and questions to [email protected]

Zoom is available for those who cannot attend in person.

Join via Zoom:
Online: https://rrh.zoom.us/j/99017440681#success

Registration is required. You may register day of at the front desk or online at JCCRochester.org.

Please note Wellness Wednesday is in AUD A and the snack demo is in Erdle Lounge AFTER WW.

Heart Healthy Snack Food Demonstration February 12th 1pm – 2pm Erdle Lounge

Please join Lifestyle Medicine and Oncology Certified Registered Nurse Trudy Arsenault, joined by JCC member Sue Korpeck RN, AASMA for this fun and interactive heart healthy food demonstration AFTER Wellness Wednesday. Samples and educational handouts will be provided!

Sue is a long term JCC member and is very active in the community. In her 70’s, she continues to train throughout the week; cycling, walking, running, racing and living an active life style. One of Sue’s secrets to staying fit in her 70’s is fueling her body with heart-healthy snacks that include whole foods and high-quality ingredients. Sue & Trudy will be demonstrating and sharing recipes, including recipes for those with a sweet tooth.  Please join us for this FREE educational session open to the community.


Wednesday, Feb 12 2025


12:15 PM - 2:00 PM

More Info



Auditorium A

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