Wellness Wednesday – Healthy Heart Series with RRH Cardiologists + monthly PBWF Pot-Luck

RRH Wellness Wednesdays feature Rochester Regional clinicians and experts sharing their experiences and knowledge in an effort to improve your health and wellness, and to help connect you with specialists when you’re interested in individualized care. Check each week for the new topic!

Proteins on Parade: What you need to know about cardiac amyloidosis!

Please join us for our last cardiac wellness series this month with Dr. Elizabeth-C-Lee | Rochester Regional Health. Dr. Lee is a cardiologist with the Sands-Constellation Center for Critical Care, specializing in treating patients with heart failure from all different causes including cardiac amyloidosis. Cardiac amyloidosis is a subcategory of amyloidosis where proteins deposit in the cardiac muscle and surrounding tissues.

These deposits can cause plethora of symptoms including decreased cardiac function. Due to advancements in imaging technology and multiple new treatment options, we are finding more cardiac amyloidosis in the community. Adults over the age of 60 are at higher risk of developing cardiac amyloidosis. This talk is for curious minds and those wanting to learn more about what we are doing at RRH to diagnose and treat cardiac amyloidosis.

In Lifestyle Medicine, we teach patients how to incorporate more plants in their diet on a regular basis. The evidence surrounding the benefits of a more plant predominate diet continues to emerge for preventing a number of chronic diseases including heart disease, diabetes and cancer.

Did you know consuming beans, legumes, fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds and whole grains can help you live longer and have improved quality of life, all from plants! Evidence based research shows plants help aid in brain health, energy level, weight loss, GI issues, improved immunity, enhance sleep and the list goes on and on. Variety is key and new research shows we should be aiming for 30 different types plants per week.
We encourage you to try a new recipe and/or put plant-based spin on oldie but goodie. If you are short of time and don’t feel like cooking, whole foods work just fine! Utensils provided.

If you need ideas on what to bring, please visit our plant-based library in the Rochester Regional Health office across the walking track. If Trudy is not available, please email her to set up a date and time to visit: [email protected]

We’d love to hear from you! Send your comments, suggestions, and questions to [email protected]
Zoom is available for those who cannot attend in person.

Join via Zoom:
Online: https://rrh.zoom.us/j/99017440681#success

Registration is required. You may register day of at the front desk or online at JCCRochester.org.

PBWF Pot-luck Erdle Lounge 1pm – 2pm


Wednesday, Feb 26 2025


12:15 PM - 2:00 PM

More Info



Auditorium A

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