TYKEs Auditions


Press Here

Theatre Young Kids Enjoy (TYKEs) announces auditions for PRESS HERE at the JCC on 

Tuesday, October 29 at 5:30pm
Wednesday, October 30 at 5:30pm

PAID roles for ADULT actors of any gender, ethnicity, body type, and age. Seven roles include: clown-type characters Page and Turner; Red, Yellow and Blue Dots; and a Narrator. 

Directed by Maria Scipione, choreography by Mandi Griffith. 

Sunday through Thursday rehearsals begin November 11; matinee performances January 11 to 19 including several weekday performances. Script and complete rehearsal schedule available in advance upon request. Actors need to attend one audition date only, no reservations required – please arrive promptly at 5:30pm. 

Performers receive $75 per performance, meals on two-show days, and a free JCC membership. 

Please come prepared with at least 16 bars of an up-tempo song appropriate for children’s theatre (accompanist provided) and wear especially comfortable, casual clothes/shoes appropriate for dancing and movement. 

Bring a list of any conflicts. For the two clown-type roles, we’re seeking actors with fun, zany and/or movement-related talents such as, for instance, hula hooping, juggling, pogo-stick-ing, gymnastics, etc. If you have a special talent, please bring with you any prop you might need to demonstrate that talent. 

Questions/script requests to Freyda at fschneider@jccrochester.org.