Loaves of LOVE FOR ISRAEL – Together We Rise!!!

In this difficult time, let’s come together as a community for love, support and kindness. On November 8th, let’s make challah together and put some goodness back into the world. Make a challah and give it to someone who needs a little extra light during this dark time. All materials will be supplied. Bring an apron and a smile!

Cost: $18. per person. Any profits will go directly to Israel

Registration Deadline: Tuesday November 7th @ 12:00pm

JCC Members register here

Non-Members register here



Wednesday, Nov 08 2023


7:00 PM - 9:00 PM


Auditorium C

1 Comment

  • Posted November 5, 2023 1:40 PM
    Roberta Merrill


    I am very interested in joining Loaves of Love for Israel community challah bake. Before I register, I want to let you know that I am
    deaf. I am wondering whether or not I need an ASL interpreter because we’ll just focus on making challah together… Any presentations?
    Is it for family and kids or all ages? I am much older over 60 of age 🙂

    Please kindly let me know as soon as possible. I am not a member but willing to pay $18.00 if it is deaf friendly..

    Many thank you so much and hope to hear your response soon

    Blessings, Roberta Merrill

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Form 990 for year-end 6/30/2023 can be obtained by emailing mmarsh@jccrochester.org

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