RRH Wellness Wednesday: Knee Pain & What YOU Need to Know, presented by RRH Expert, Isobel Gogstetter, PT

RRH Wellness Wednesdays feature Rochester Regional clinicians and experts sharing their experiences and knowledge in an effort to improve your health and wellness, and to help connect you with specialists when you’re interested in individualized care. Check each week for the new topic! 

Wellness Wednesday theme of the month is PHYSICAL ACTIVITY!!! Did you know the recommendation for adults ages18-64  is to do at least 150-300 minutes of moderate intensity or 75-150 minutes of vigorous intensity activity weekly; along with two or more days weekly of strength training. American college of Lifestyle Medicine recommends older adults ages 65+ should be cognizant of various physical or fitness level limitations that may preclude their ability to reach the above-noted guidelines such as KNEE PAIN!
Our RRH PT expert in knees, Isobel, will be joining us for Wellness Wednesday on March 6th. Isobel will present ways to manage knee pain/irritation and the importance of getting to the root cause of it. If you are someone that struggles with knee pain, arthritis, flare ups, taking medication for knee pain/inflammation, limited ability to walk or do physical activity because of your knees, this talk is for YOU! 

***Please note Wellness Wednesday has moved from Erdle Lounge to Aud C at the JCC. See you at 12:15***


We’d love to hear from you! Send your comments, suggestions and questions to [email protected]

Zoom is available for those who cannot attend in person. 

Join via Zoom:

·         Online: https://rrh.zoom.us/j/99017440681#success

·         Or call: 1-929-205-6099

·         Meeting ID: 990 1744 0681

·         Time: 12:15 PM

Registration is required for in-person only. We have YET to run out of room. Please consider joining us!


Wednesday, Mar 06 2024


12:15 PM - 1:00 PM

More Info



Auditorium C

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